Conference attendees must park at an off-site lot which is a short 5-minute walk from that lot to The Culinary Institute of America at Copia campus.

conference Offsite Parking Lot Location

You are responsible for providing your own transportation to and from the CIA. This includes air and/or ground transportation from your place of residence and daily ground transportation. Conference parking is at 301 1st Street in Napa, on the corner of 1st Street and Silverado Trail. After parking, proceed to Copia, a short walk from the conference parking lot to check-in for the conference on Wednesday, November 6.

Handicapped Parking

Attendees requiring handicapped parking are accommodated at no charge. No advanced permit is required, but you must have a valid handicapped permit issued by a state or local authority.  This will allow you to park in designated handicapped parking spaces at The Culinary Institute of America at Copia campus.

Because we are tight on parking, we urge everyone to carpool wherever possible.
